Boards and Commissions Needing Candidates
Updated as of 9/25/2023
African Descent-Citizens Reparations Commission
3 representatives of a national coalition that support reparations for African Americans
10 members of the public, at least 8 of whom are African American descendants of slavery (from diverse backgrounds, including businesspersons and persons without high school diplomas)
Medicaid Managed Care Oversight Commission
1 member of a statewide association representing Medicaid managed care plans
1 member of a statewide association representing a majority of hospitals
2 academic experts on Medicaid managed care programs
1 member of a statewide association representing primary care providers
1 member of a statewide association representing behavioral health providers
Members representing Federally Qualified Health Centers, a long-term association, a dental association, pharmacies, pharmacists, a development disability association, a Medicaid consumer advocate, a Medicaid Consumer, an association representing physicians, a behavioral health association and an association representing pediatricians
1 member of a statewide association representing only safety-net hospitals
Medicaid Business Opportunity Commission
2 members representing a statewide association Medicaid health plan association
3 members representing business currently registered with the Business Enterprise Program
1 member representing the disability community
Illinois Law Enforcement Certification Review Panel
Active member from a statewide association representing State’s Attorneys
2 persons who shall be Illinois residents who are from communities with disproportionately high instances of interaction with law enforcement (as indicate by a high need, underserved community with high rates of gun violence, unemployment, child poverty and commitment to IDOC, but who are not themselves law enforcement officers)
State Board of Health (looking for downstate candidates)
Physician engaged in private practice
Physician engaged in preventative medicine
Local board of health representative
Registered Nurse
Physical therapist
State Board of Pharmacy (looking for downstate candidates)
2 licensed pharmacists
1 public member who shall not be engaged in any way, directly or indirectly, as providers of health care in Illinois or any other state
Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA)
Sheriff Outside of Cook County
Public Defender Outside of Cook County
Circuit Clerk Outside of Cook County
Public Member
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